Sometimes Spam filter not work.. in eScan 10 RC1

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Sometimes Spam filter not work.. in eScan 10 RC1

Postby Sidney » Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:09 pm

Hello Sir,
I had test eScan 10.0.877.279 with Anti-Spam function.
It does NOT work at some time.
If the problem happen, e-mail will NOT filter.
All the e-mail will recieve at outlook express 's inbox.
While check the eScan SPAM or HAM mail, no e-mails in them.
It seems eScan not work at all for Spam filter.
After reboot computer, the problem will disapear.
But after some time, the problem will happen again.
Since my computer almost not reboot for a long time,
I found the problem will happen about 3~10 days after reboot.
Please take a look for it.
If you need any more information, like debug files or others, please feel free to tell me.
Taiwan eScan & MailScan Distributor
Duckysoft Co., Ltd.
Posts: 55
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Location: Taiwan

Postby Varghese » Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:51 am


Please download the latest version of eScan and check for the same errors if you get any.
Posts: 144
Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:52 am
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