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Latest MWAV [9.9.9], Espatch/Esupdate[] uploaded

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:15 pm
by Varghese
Latest MWAV [9.9.9], Espatch/Esupdate[] uploaded

Changes in MWAV [9.9.9] :

1) New AntiVirus API included (

2) Entries of Possible Fujack Type Worms and Combo entries will not be displayed in GUI henceforth.

Although the same will be mentioned in the logs if found.

3) MWAVSCAN with /explorer command parameter will change the wallpaper and screensaver to none.

This is to change the wallpapers and screensavers dropped by spywares.

Changes in Espatch/Esupdate [] are :

1) Latest Avpmapp.exe added. This will also scan larger files for infection.

2) New contfilt.dll added.

Varghese Mathew