Deploying installer in a WAN

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Deploying installer in a WAN

Postby cmora » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:21 pm


I have a special scenarie with a customer. They have 1 lan and 20 satellite offices. in the LAN i can deploy the installer without problems. But with the satellite offices, connected to the LAN with a VPN, i can deploy the installer from the console, because the bandwith is very low compared with the LAN (128K Vs 100Mb). Over that VPN, they logon to the Windows Domain, and work with Terminal Services

What is the procedure to install the satellite clients, if the idea is integrate that clients to the escan console located in the LAN?

Thanks in advance
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Postby vikas » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:55 am

Here you need to create another eScan server (Child Server ) at your satellite location so using that server you can deploy it at your remote locations.
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Postby cmora » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:21 am


Thanks for your answer. but the scheme is too many satellite office, some with 1 stations, another with 2 or 3.

in that case, install the child server in all the remote stations?

i was thinking in a solution to "simulate" manually the deploy from the server, and conect really to the console for downloads the updates and policies deployed.

is that not possible?

Thanks in advance
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Postby vikas » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:09 pm

Yes this is possible. You can ask the satellite systems to take the updates and policies from Parent eScan server.
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Postby cmora » Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:11 pm

Yes this is possible. You can ask the satellite systems to take the updates and policies from Parent eScan server.

Thanks for your answer, but actually im trying to do and dont work. I test from the satellite client the port 2021 and 3333 of the console server, and the answer is correct. but when i install the client manually, and configure the IP console to make the downloads, just dont work.

Im trying to make some test passing some parameters with the command line, but some times dont work.

the parameters basicly are:

Code: Select all
Launchit /A /S /AutoReboot=1 /Mode=Client /UpdateServer=IP-CONSOLE /Setupfile=Setup.exe

What another parameters can i use?

thanks in advance
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Postby vikas » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:37 pm

I am certain that along with the ip you need to do following change in eupdate.ini
ftphost= ip address of the console
ftpport= 21 change this to 2021

Save the file and check downloading the updates :)
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Postby cmora » Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:52 pm

the ports 2021 for ftp and 3333 for http are configured in the clients, but continue without download updates.

Some times if i force the download from the server, update some clients; But dont update automaticly.
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Postby vikas » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:22 pm

Can we have debug from any of the client system where you are facing this problem.. And send it to and in subject mention [SOS] Forums query
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